Junior Surf

Our program caters for kids 3–14 years old and is designed to promote surf skills, fitness and water safety in a safe and friendly environment.


Ruakākā Surf Club offers regular Junior Surf training sessions every Sunday morning 10:30am-12 noon throughout the surf season, Labour Weekend to Easter Weekend.

  • Training starts regardless of weather, unless otherwise advised, cancellations will be advised by our Facebook group

  • Please join our private Facebook Group: Ruakaka Junior Surf

  • Parents and Junior Members must attend squad meetings at the start of training to receive important information via notices and newsletters

  • All notices and information can be found on the Junior Surf Notice Board inside the Clubhouse

  • At the end of training, we have a BBQ and drinks for sale, this is a fundraising activity for the Junior Surf program

After Junior Surf is completed families and children are invited to use the club facilities and enjoy the surf and sun

SPRATS 3-4years

Sprats are the youngest members involved in Junior Surf; this group doesn't compete in the inter-club competitions. Sprats train as part of the Tadpoles group for all beach activities, it is highly recommended that a parent is in the water with them for support as they partake in water activities

TADPOLES 5-7years

Tadpoles train with the Sprats but do not require parental guidance in the water activities. They will work their way towards their Junior Surf Framework and Surf Safe Confidence. Introduction to beach flags, beach sprints, relays, run-wade-run, boogie board race and survival float along with fun filled beach and water games.

Swimming ability required: Children do not require any previous experience although swimming lessons and basic beach safety would be advised along with listening ears

A GROUP 7-9years

At A group level, the children will be introduced to competing at club and interclub competitions and will receive a solid grounding in beach flags, beach sprints, relays, run-swim-run, boogie board race. They are also introduced to the techniques of surf life saving. Competent swimmers (those who earn the 200m patch) will be introduced to surf swimming, board racing and board rescue events.

Swimming ability required: Children are expected to develop their swimming skills at A Group level. 7 & 8year olds can still participate and compete in most events without any developed swimming ability.

B GROUP 10-11years

B Group training builds on the events taught at A Group level and introduces more demanding events such as Diamond person and tube rescue. The emphasis shifts more towards the water events at this stage hence it is important that members have developed their swimming skills toward attaining their 200m Surf badge. Achieving a 200m badge shows competence in the surf and the ability to return safely to shore if they are separated from their equipment.

Swimming ability required: B Group are expected to be able to attain their 200m badges at the start of the season. 200m badges are compulsory for children who wish to use all club boards other than boogie boards. These badges are to be sewn onto beanies when the child is competing in competition otherwise they will not be allowed to compete in the water events. 9 year old's will need to attain a 200m patch to be able to compete in water events.

C GROUP 12-13years

At C group level, training becomes more intensive with a focus primarily towards developing life saving skills but also providing an environment for becoming actively involved in Surf Sports.

Swimming ability required: C Group participants should be able to complete their 200m patch with ease. C Group are expected to get their 200m patch at the start of the season. C Groupers can participate in some of the bigger competitions and have the opportunity to be selected for the U14 Regional Development Squads.

Weekly BBQ fundraiser

$2 Sausage Sizzle

$2 Cans of drink

$2 Juicie

Weekly BBQ fundraiser • $2 Sausage Sizzle • $2 Cans of drink • $2 Juicie •